Some Types of Hookups May Be Riskier Than Others for Campus Sexual Assault
Flack, W.F., et al. "Some Types of Hookups May Be Riskier Than Others for Campus Sexual Assault." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 8, no. 4, 01 July 2016, p. 413-420. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1037/tra0000090.
This article discusses the hook up culture at college and how it contributes to the higher chance of sexual assault to students. College is an independent experience and the freedom of not having a monogamous partner is liberating for some. They like having the sexual intimacy while also having the freedom of choosing from more than one partner. However, this opens the door to the possibility of unwanted sexual behavior. When adding alcohol to this equation, boundaries are crossed and what seems to have been a random hookup leads to a sexual assault.
Monogamous: having only one mate at a time
Hook Up Culture: the cultural sexual intimacy that people find themselves surrounded by; hooking up have several different meanings
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