Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Literature Review #1

Germain, Lauren J. Campus Sexual Assault : College Women Respond. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 21 Feb. 2017.

This book discusses sexual assault on campus from a women's perspective. Many sexual assaults go unreported and this book was meant for the silent victims to have their voice heard through 26 college women. These are stories from sexual assault survivors and how they transitioned back into the real world. This book discusses how they dealt with their assault and how family and friends reacted. 

Lauren J. Germain is is the director of evaluation, assessment and research at SUNY Upstate Medical University. She examined these women's experiences and put their stories into this book to highlight the trauma that these women have to endure for the rest of their lives. The point of this book was to empower women to speak out against violence and to stand strong together. 

Key Concept: "campus sexual assault is prevalent, institutional responses have not been effective, and campus cultures are fraught with dangerous social norms related to sexual violence," (Germain 2). 


"Three common rape scripts were identified among participants' responses and 30 percent or more of the sample described each type of script: (1) violent stranger rape; (2) drug- or alcohol-facilitated rape; (3) date rape," (Germain 6).

"Title IX was part of the Education Amendments passed in 1972 and is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in all educational programs or activities that receive federal funding," (Germain 9). 

"I know people who did [press charges though the institution] and nothing happened... like i guess I should have tried myself, but...there are still a lot of people who were like, 'yeah, that doesn't work, my friend tried that and the person doesn't get kicked out,'"(Germain 34).

The material in this book is very helpful in narrowing down my research topic. This book holds the real experiences of women and what they did after they were sexually assaulted. They also discussed how the assailant was not always a stranger but sometimes the people who were closest to you. I want to use this book to connect to the Stanford rape case because I believe a lot of the misconceptions of rape victims are explained directly by the victims in both situations. 

Research Blog #3: Three Academic Sources

1. Sexual Assault Among College Students: Family of Origin Hostility, Attachment, and the Hook-Up Culture as Risk Factors.

This article shows a case study amongst 624 college undergraduate women who were engaged in the hookup culture at their colleges. There was a higher chance for women to be victimized and be sexually assaulted by men. The people involved in these types of "no strings attached" relationships had a higher chance of being the victim of a sexual assault case. The article continues to explain how parents and students can avoid these situations by looking into healthier relationships.



This article explained Title IX and its advocation for the rights of women at college. Title IX was created to prevent sexual discrimination of women in sports. However, it was meant to strengthen the procedures against sexual assault perpetrators and assist the victims. Title IX protects to victim by providing different safety measures and counseling after a sexual assault. This law protects all genders.


3. Administrators' Perceptions of College Campus Protocols, Response, and Student Prevention Efforts for Sexual Assault.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Research Blog #2: Scouting the Territory

My decision for my topic is Sexual Assault on campus. I believe that this is a serious topic that needs to be discussed within our community. Rape is a sensitive topic that not many are willing to bring up because of the various opinions of people. A huge controversy was found in the outcome of the case of Brock Turner at Stanford. He was a former Stanford University swimmer who took advantage of an unconscious woman behind a dumpster and sexually assaulted her. An article I found contained the victims statement about the impact of her sexual assault on her life. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/stanford-rape-case-read-the-impact-statement-of-brock-turners-victim-a7222371.html
Sexual violence is very high amongst college students. College aged adults are at a very high risk for sexual violence, especially women. This article shows the statistics amongst college students and non college students. https://www.rainn.org/statistics/campus-sexual-violence
People tend to believe that bad things could never happen to them, however, these statistics show the opposite. Violent crimes happen everywhere even sexual crimes. This article also shows how many rape cases are not reported to the police. Rape victims become ashamed of what happened and blame it on themselves. However, it was not their fault. 

This article specifically shows rape and sexual assault amongst college women only. https://www.bjs.gov/content/pub/pdf/rsavcaf9513.pdf

Monday, February 13, 2017

I am deciding between two ideas for my final project. One is the representation of college life in media and the misconceptions of the students. The second idea I have for my paper is sexual assault on campus and how it is handled by the university, students, and the police.